en fr

Dense matrices implementation in Python

Posté le Mon 04 February 2019 dans coding • Taggé avec Python • 8 min read

Machine learning algorithms often use matrices to store data and compute operations such as multiplications or singular value decomposition. The purpose of this article is to see how matrices are implemented in Python: how the data is stored and how much memory it consumes.

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Data classes in Python

Posté le Sat 27 October 2018 dans coding • Taggé avec Python • 5 min read

This blob post presents the brand-new Python data classes feature and its benefits.

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Static typing in Python

Posté le Sat 13 October 2018 dans coding • Taggé avec Python • 5 min read

This article covers static typing in Python: how and why type annotate Python code, how to type check statically, and how to enable powerful IDEs features.

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Encoding in Python

Posté le Sat 29 September 2018 dans coding • Taggé avec Python • 6 min read

The transition from Python 2 to Python 3 caused some problems since the two versions handle text differently. First, we will see how the text is represented in Python 2 and Python 3, then how to do the conversion between the different representations, and then the different places where encoding step in: the encoding of the source code, the implicit conversions, the encoding of the inputs and outputs, and the file system encoding.

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Key differences between mainly used languages for data science

Posté le Sat 01 September 2018 dans Coding • Taggé avec Javascript, Python, Scala, C • 6 min read

This blog post introduces the notions of strongly and weakly typed in one hand, and the notion of static and dynamic typing in the other hand. It is illustrated with four languages commonly used in data science pipelines.

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